A primer on how SMTP enumeration and common exploitation techniques

Mail systems commonly use SMTP with POP3 and IMAP, which enable users to save messages in the server mailbox and download them from the server when necessary.

SMTP uses mail exchange (MX) servers to direct mail via DNS.

SMTP runs on TCP port 25 but can also run on TCP ports 465, 2525, or 587.


Using netcat

nc -vn <IP> 25

Using telnet

telnet <IP> 25

After receiving the following:

Connected to 
Escape character is '^]'.
220 NYmailserver ESMTP Sendmail 8.9.3 

We can type in the HELO command to get the greeting message from the mail server.


A sample greeting is as follows:

250 NYmailserver Hello [], pleased to meet you.


openssl s_client -crlf -connect #SSL/TLS without starttls command
openssl s_client -starttls smtp -crlf -connect

Finding MX servers of an organisation

dig +short mx


Using SMTP commands

SMTP has three commands which can be used for enumeration:

  • VRFY: Validates users

VRFY Jonathan 
250 Super-User <Jonathan@NYmailserver> 

VRFY Smith

550 Smith... User unknown
  • EXPN: Displays the actual delivery addresses of aliases and mailing lists.

EXPN Jonathan 
250 Super-User <Jonathan@NYmailserver> 

EXPN Smith

550 Smith... User unknown
  • RCPT TO: Defines the recipients of the message

RCPT TO: Ryder
Ryder... Recipient ok 

RCPT TO: Smith

550 Smith... User unknown

Using nmap

Lists all the SMTP commands available in the Nmap directory

nmap -p 25, 365, 587 -script=smtp-commands <Target IP Address >

Identify SMTP open relays

nmap -p 25 -script=smtp-open-relay <Target IP Address>

Enumerate all the mail users on the SMTP server

nmap -p 25 –script=smtp-enum-users <Target IP Address>

Using metasploit

Launch Metasploit msfconsole and switch to the relevant auxiliary scanner to initiate the process auxiliary/scanner/smtp/smtp_enum.

msf> use auxiliary/scanner/smtp/smtp_enum msf 

Using smtp-user-enum

The smtp-user-enum is a tool for enumerating OS-level user accounts on Solaris via the SMTP service (sendmail). Enumeration is performed by inspecting the responses to VRFY, EXPN, and RCPT TO commands. [options] (-u username|-U file-of-usernames) (-t host|-T file-of-targets)

The smtp-user-enum has the following options:

-m n: Maximum number of processes (default: 5) 
-M mode: Specify the SMTP command to use for username guessing from among EXPN, VRFY, and RCPT TO (default: VRFY) 
-u user: Check if a user exists on the remote system 
-f addr: Specify the from email address to use for "RCPT TO" guessing (default:
-D dom: Specify the domain to append to the supplied user list to create email addresses (default: none) 
-U file: Select the file containing usernames to check via the SMTP service 
-t host: Specify the server host running the SMTP service 
-T file: Select the file containing hostnames running the SMTP service 
-p port: Specify the TCP port on which the SMTP service runs (default: 25) 
-d: Debugging output 
-t n: Wait for a maximum of n seconds for the reply (default: 5) 
-v: Verbose -h: Help message

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